Sunday, April 6, 2008


Two days in a row! The weather has been beautiful for two days in a row. Maybe it is spring after all. Until yesterday I hadn't entered my carless garage since I'd put away the rake in October. Yesterday the rake came out again along with the pruners, clippers, garden gloves and leaf bags. I had done a pretty good job of putting the garden to bed in the fall but snow fell before the last leaves on the elderberry trees had fallen. Consequently, there were lots of large wet leaves to rake. It felt good to finally be able to get outside and do yard work. I had to remind myself , however, not to go overboard on the first day out. Somehow raking uses muscles that are never used for any other activity.

Yeah! My crocuses are finally blooming and other early bloomers are beginning to emerge



julie king said...

I love your blog and your etsy shop. Very nice products. I spend a lot of time in the garden as well. If you have time, please check out my blog where I talk about my garden quite frequently:

Nice work all around!!!

Scott Bulger Photography said...

I'm actually hoping that the weather stays warm enough here that I might be able to rake by the first of May. I've still got about two feet of snow to get rid of, and then the ensuing mud.