Starting plants from seeds is a lot of work. Am I really up to the challenge again this year? Seed starting, I think , is a lot like baby starting and child rearing. First the seed is planted. You cross your fingers and wait and wait for a sign of germination. Finally, if you're lucky, the test is positive, you see a tiny bit of green emerging from the moist brown potting mix. You're overjoyed to see the new life you helped to create. But then, the real work begins. Coddle, coddle, coddle! The new seedlings need lots of tender loving care...must have enough light, must have proper moisture, must be protected from damping off. I'm tired just thinking about all the monitoring. Weeks pass as you pamper the seedlings and watch them grow more strong and vigorous. Then the time comes to prepare your babies to leave the house. Gradually you expose the seedlings to direct sunlight and the open air. They have to be ready for life in the real world. Finally, it's planting out day. You carefully and proudly put your very own beautiful little plantlets into the troweled out little holes in the garden bed. As you step back and admire your work, you give yourself a pat on the back . What a proud parent you are!
LOL, very funny. My husband and I go through the seed/seedling discussion every year when we plant our vegetable garden.
I'd love to start a flower garden next to my house. My husband's in the process of deconstructing the yard, so I think it will be next year. :-(
I can sympathize with that for sure! One year I planted acorns in two-litre milk cartons in my kitchen. They had already germinated out in the woods so at least I knew they would grow. But I celebrated each leaf and "talked" to them every day. Finally I sent them out into the cruel world (I planted them out in the woods) and hoped that they wouldn't get trampled by the wildlife. Some are growing really well - others have disappeared (*sigh).
I used to much more ambitious and grew my plants from seeds. They were so fun to watch sprout. Exactly, just like children growing. Now I am either too a) lazy, b) old and tired, or c) enamored of the local nursery. :)
Hi Theresa, Just found your blog. Beautiful photos! My winter-sown lupines just got their first set of true leaves (noog! so cute!!) You can still "spring sow" using winter-sowing techniques so long as the seeds don't need stratification. See you on April 26!
~ Monica Milla
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