A former president of Park Seed who happened to be a lifelong Tarzan fan was responsible for the common name for Talinum paniculatum. Ever read Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar"?
Limon Talinum is a chartreuse leafed, succulent-looking plant that adds great color and dimension to my container gardens. It sends up a stem of pink flowers that result in delicate cinnamon colored seed pods that dance daintily above the attractive foliage.
According to my research Talinum is only hardy to zone 9. However, I found it self seeded in several of my containers. I've even found it growing in the cracks of my patio. I'm concerned this plant could become a pest despite it's attractiveness.
I'll give it one more year, then decide whether it will be love or war.
Pretty and interesting. I know what you mean about taking over. I just pulled a whole bunch of obedient plant(I think?) that were everywhere~ suddenly. It made me nervous so I took them away. I wish I just moved them to secluded corner instead. Oh well, the couple that I left are sure to take over soon. It is a dilemna.
Quick and I do mean quick, pull out all but one. Trust me. The one left will provide plants (seeds) for years to come.
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