Last night Tim had gone to bed, and I was doing my wait until you get sleepy routine. I looked out the family room window toward the bird feeders to see if I could spot any night feeders. The view was just perfect, and so beautiful. I found myself staring out the window, and when I would go back and sit down I would find myself going back to the window just to look. It immediately reminded me of a story I read to my children at school entitled OWL MOON. In it the author says, “The shadows were the blackest things I had ever seen. They stained the white snow, and the snow was whiter than the milk in a cereal bowl.” It looked like my yard was a giant glow stick. God had left the yard light on. The snow like the milk in your cereal bowl and the moon shinning on it was glorious. The light was so bright I could actually see the shadows of the trees on the snow. Then, the bunny hopping into the feeding place was just perfect. I went to the west side of the house to the sliding glass doors, and the yard to the west was the same not quite as bright but still picture perfect. I wish at that time I had Jera’s, my niece, talent for painting, or Phil’s, my nephew, talent for taking picture, but I could only capture it in my mind. The only problem with that is my mind is getting older, and how long the image will stay is a mystery. I had to share this with you all. I wanted to share it with Tim, but was afraid he would not be quite as thrilled with it as I was; being roused from a sound sleep might have put a damper on it.
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