Saturday, January 30, 2010


Wow, it's so difficult to get back into the swing of things after the holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas were so enjoyable. I loved spending time with family. We talked, we played games, we opened gifts, we laughed, we cooked, we ate and we ate, and we ate. Is it possible to have a get together without a table laden with food in our midst?

Now it's the end of January. It's back to work, it's back to the gym, it's back to eating sensibly again.


Rebekah Smith said...

hi, theresa!:-)

i love pressed flower art too!:-)...and yours is lovely!:-)

looking for like minded people?:-)...the world wide pressed flower guild is awesome!:-)...yes, there really is one!:-)

thanks for letting us see your work!:-)


Gardens by T said...

Thank you Rebekah. I didn't know about the guild, I will certainly visit the website.